We offer structure design services that utilize CAD modeling to create accurate and detailed designs. Our team of experienced engineers uses state-of-the-art software to create 3D models of structures, allowing us to visualize and analyze every detail before construction begins. CAD modeling allows us to identify potential issues and make necessary changes before construction, saving time and money.

Our Process includes below check points :

  • Design requirements : Review the client's requirements and ensure that the design meets their needs.
  • Structural Analysis : Conduct an analysis of the loads and stresses that the structure will be subjected to.
  • Material Selection : Select materials that are suitable for the design requirements and can withstand the loads and stresses placed on the structure.
  • Foundation Design : Design a foundation that can support the structure and distribute its weight evenly
  • Connections and Joints : Ensure that all connections and joints are properly designed and can handle the loads and stresses placed on them.
  • Sustainability : Consider the environmental impact of the structure and incorporate sustainable design principles where possible
  • Cost-effectiveness : Design the structure with cost-effectiveness in mind without compromising safety and function


Sheet metal design is a process of designing and creating parts or products made of thin, flat sheets of metal. It involves shaping and manipulating the metal sheet into a desired shape, often through the use of bending, cutting, and forming techniques. Sheet metal design is commonly used in the manufacturing of various products, including automotive parts, electronics, and household appliances.

Our sheet metal design services include the creation of parts for automotive, electronics, and household appliances, among other industries. We consider factors such as material type, thickness, and manufacturing constraints to create designs that are both functional and cost-effective

Our Process includes below check points :

  • Material selection : Selecting the right type of sheet metal that meets the design requirements is crucial for the success of the project.
  • Thickness optimization : Optimizing the thickness of the sheet metal helps to reduce material waste and production costs.
  • Bend radius : Consideration of the bend radius is important to avoid material cracking or deformation during the bending process.
  • Manufacturing constraints : Consider the manufacturing constraints to ensure that the sheet metal design is feasible to produce.
  • Simulation and analysis : Use simulation and analysis tools to test the design for structural integrity and performance before production.


Mold design is the process of creating a mold, which is a tool used in the manufacturing of plastic, metal, and other materials. The mold is used to shape and form the material into a desired shape or product. Mold design involves considering factors such as the material to be used, the shape and size of the final product, the production volume, and the manufacturing process.

Our mold design services use CAD modeling to create precise designs for the manufacturing of various materials. We consider factors such as material, shape, volume, and production process to optimize the design and reduce waste. Our expertise in mold design and CAD modeling ensures a cost-effective and efficient project execution.

Our Design process includes below check points :

  • Material selection : Choose the right material for the mold that is suitable for the manufacturing process and the material to be used for the product.
  • Part design : The design of the part to be molded is crucial for the mold design, as it affects the mold's shape, size, and complexity.
  • Mold flow analysis : Use mold flow analysis software to simulate the mold filling process and optimize the design for efficient production.
  • Cooling system design : Design a foundation that can support the structure and distribute its weight evenly
  • Connections and Joints : Efficient cooling is critical for the quality of the final product, so the mold design must incorporate an effective cooling system.
  • Manufacturing constraints : Consider manufacturing constraints, such as the capabilities of the manufacturing process and the need to minimize waste material, when designing the mold.


Plastic design involves designing products made from plastic materials using CAD software. The design considers factors such as material properties, product weight, shape, and size to create functional and cost-effective products. The resulting products are lightweight, durable, and resistant to environmental factors. Plastic design is important for various products, including packaging, toys, medical devices, and automotive parts. A well-designed plastic product ensures cost-effective production and customer satisfaction.

Our plastic design services use CAD modelling to create precise designs for plastic products. Our experienced team considers factors such as material properties, product weight, shape, and size to create functional and cost-effective products. Using state-of-the-art software, we create 3D models to simulate the manufacturing process and optimize the design for production.

Our Design process includes below check points :

  • Material selection : Choose the right plastic material for the product, considering factors such as the product's intended use, environmental factors, and manufacturing process.
  • Wall thickness : Optimize the wall thickness of the plastic product to ensure strength and durability while minimizing material usage.
  • Part design : The design of the product is crucial for the plastic product design, as it affects the product's shape, size, and complexity.
  • Draft angles : Use draft angles to ensure that the plastic product can be easily ejected from the mold during production.
  • Tolerance and fit : Ensure that the plastic product's tolerance and fit are within the required specifications to ensure proper assembly and functionality.

Jigs and Fixture Design

Jigs and fixture design is the process of creating specialized tools and devices used to hold, guide, and support a workpiece during manufacturing operations. Jigs and fixtures are used in manufacturing to ensure that the workpiece is held in the correct position and orientation during the manufacturing process. This helps to reduce errors, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of the final product.

Our jigs and fixture design services use CAD modelling to create precise and efficient tools for holding and guiding workpieces during manufacturing operations. Our experienced team considers factors such as the type of manufacturing process, the size and shape of the workpiece, and the required accuracy of the final product.

Our Design process includes below check points :

  • Workpiece positioning : Ensure that the workpiece is held securely in the correct position and orientation during the manufacturing process
  • Material selection : Choose the right materials for the jigs and fixtures, considering factors such as the manufacturing process, the weight and size of the workpiece, and the required accuracy of the final product
  • Tooling and clamping : Design tooling and clamping systems that are precise, efficient, and easy to use.
  • Accessibility : Ensure that the jigs and fixtures allow for easy access to the workpiece and the manufacturing equipment
  • Simulations and testing : Use 3D CAD modelling to simulate the manufacturing process and test the jigs and fixtures for efficiency and accuracy before they are used in production.


Reverse engineering is often used to recreate or replicate an existing product, either for competitive purposes or to understand how to repair or improve it. It is also used in product development to analyze and improve upon existing products, to study competitor products, or to identify potential patent infringement.

Reverse engineering involves a variety of techniques, including physical disassembly, imaging and scanning, computer-aided design (CAD) modeling, and software analysis. It is a complex and detailed process that requires specialized knowledge and expertise in various areas of engineering and technology.

Our Design process includes below check points :

  • Quality of the 3D model : Ensure that the 3D CAD model accurately represents the physical object or part that has been reverse engineered.
  • Precision of measurements : Ensure that all measurements and dimensions are precise and accurate, including tolerances, angles, and curves.
  • Material selection : Choose the right materials for the reverse engineered part, considering factors such as durability, strength, and heat resistance.
  • Compatibility with manufacturing processes : Ensure that the 3D CAD model can be used with the intended manufacturing processes, such as CNC machining or injection molding.
  • Documentation : Keep detailed records of the reverse engineering process, including measurements, sketches, and CAD models, to ensure that the final product meets the necessary specifications and standards.


A production drawing is a detailed technical document that provides all the necessary information for manufacturing a product or part, including dimensions, tolerances, materials, and finishes. It is created using computer-aided design (CAD) software and is an essential part of the manufacturing process to ensure that products are manufactured consistently and accurately.

Our production drawing services use 3D CAD modelling to create detailed technical documents for manufacturing products or parts. We ensure accuracy of dimensions and tolerances, appropriate selection of materials and finishes, compatibility with manufacturing processes, clarity and completeness of instructions, and adherence to standards and regulations. Our production drawings include multiple views, assembly instructions, part numbers, and bills of materials, and are an essential part of the manufacturing process to ensure consistent and accurate production.

Our Design process includes below check points :

  • Accuracy of dimensions and tolerances : Ensure that all dimensions and tolerances are accurate and clearly defined to avoid any errors during the manufacturing process.
  • Appropriate selection of materials and finishes : Choose the right materials and finishes for the product based on its intended use and manufacturing requirements
  • Compatibility with manufacturing processes : Ensure that the production drawing is compatible with the intended manufacturing processes, such as CNC machining, injection molding, or 3D printing.
  • Clarity and completeness of instructions : Ensure that the production drawing provides clear and complete instructions for manufacturing the product, including assembly instructions, part numbers, and bills of materials.
  • Adherence to standards and regulations : Ensure that the production drawing meets all relevant standards and regulations, such as ISO or ASTM standards, to ensure product quality and safety.